Summer Brook The Twilight Bark UD RM RAE BN
Pictures of London at 4 Years of Age

Next Pictures are of London at 1 Year 9 Months

London is my outgoing, loving, and confident dog who has done really well in the obedience ring. She is active when she needs to be and loves to work. However, she can switch into her calm loving alter-ego in a heartbeat. Even as a puppy, she would often go into a down position when going up to children. It’s almost as if she sensed that her down position was a comfort to little ones.
London loves to share her toys with people. She is constantly bringing us toys just to show them to us. We take them and then give them right back. She loves her “Give and Take Game”.
London is one of the smartest dog we’ve ever owned and she loves to cuddle
She thinks she’s a lap dog and still at 4 years of age, she will curl her entire body up to fit into a lap. Then, she gently lays her head up on your chest hoping you’ll gently stroke her face and neck.
London is smaller than most of our other girl weighing in at around 55 pounds.
London’s Health Results
click here to verify all of London’s OFA results
Hips—BVA 3/4 click on the score to verify
Elbows—BVA 0:0 click on the score to verify
DNA Health Test Results for London
PRA1 – Clear by Parentage – See Luke and Tara’s pages for proofs
PRA2 – London is either a clear or a carrier based on her parents’ test results. Her dad, Luke, is clear. Her mom, Tara, is either a clear or a carrier. If one parent is clear, no puppies will be affected by it. Since Luke is clear, London is not affected. We never had London tested because we only bred her to one of our own clear studs.
Ichthyosis – clear. London was identified as Miss Pink. If you look at the entire document, you’ll see that we were really blessed with this litter. All 4 girls were clear.
London’s Titles
Rally Novice
Rally Advanced
Beginner Novice
Rally Excellent
Rally Master
Companion Dog
Companion Dog Excellent
Utility Dog
London’s Pedigree is the website that Golden Retriever breeders have posted pedigrees on for years. On this website, you can follow the dogs lineage back many many generations.
London’s Parents
London’s Mom: OTCH2 RACH2 Summer Brook Nothing But Love UDX2 OM5 RM4 RAE4 PCDX CGC. Tara is still living with us and is active and competing in obedience trials. She is also just beginning to compete in agility as well. She is still healthy at over 8 years of age.
London’s Dad: Dream Max Lugo CGC. (Luke). I got Luke from Jennie Andersson at Dream Max in Sweden. Jennie is a VERY well respected breeder in Europe and in fact she will not sell her dogs to anyone in the U.S. unless she knows them. Even then, she does not ship them and there are less than a handful of American breeders who she has trusted with one of her dogs. I had a mutual friend to recommend me and then I had to fly to Sweden and spend the weekend with Jennie and her family before being approved to take one of her dog’s home. Over the years, I have been to Sweden three times to meet up with Jennie and get dogs from her.
Luke is now living with friends in Florida. He will be 10 years old in May and is still healthy and active.
More Pictures of London

Pictures starting here and below were taken when London was 16 months of age.

Pictures of London’s First Litter
Videos of Past London Puppies
Below is a video of London’s first litter of puppies practicing down/stays on the day they turned 9 weeks. We start our puppies out on a raised bed for the stay exercises in order to keep then from developing a habit of creeping forward. Once staying still is taught, we begin practicing on the ground.
The next video is of those same puppies learning to heel. It was also filmed the day puppies turned 9 weeks. Before teaching puppies to move in heel position, we start puppies out with the demonstrated stationary exercises. Dogs often have difficulty staying in position while moving on a leash because they were never taught how to find the correct position when not moving. We teach these stationary exercises as soon as puppies can move one or two steps in heel position and before we begin moving with them more than one or two steps.
See the Our Dogs page to see our other girls.