Summer Brook No Worries Mate RE BN

Temperament Description
What can I say about Sydney? Well….everyone in my family accuses me of favoring Sydney and I cannot deny it. She (along with her mother, Tara) are my favorite dogs ever. This is why. She loves me, in particular, and she loves to work. In fact, she loves to play our heeling game so much that for as long as I can remember, she’d prance along with her head in the air maintaining perfect heel position and eye contact for 1/2 mile or more even when on a simple jog. She doesn’t do it to earn a reward. She does it because she knows it makes me happy. I never take treats on a jog. Sydney is super obedient with an unbelievable desire to please and is therefore an incredible amount of fun to work with.
Sydney, like every dog has her weaknesses. She is not as outgoing with strangers as our other dogs. Sydney is also the least confident of our dogs. We’ve had to work more with Sydney to acclimate her to strangers and to novel environments. Part of this is because she was a Covid puppy and wasn’t socialized as much as is ideal. However, her sister London is much more outgoing and confident. Sydney is my very loyal shadow.
Sydney’s Health Results
Hips – OFA – Excellent
Elbows – OFA – Normal
Eyes – OFA – Normal
Click here to go to Sydney’s page on OFA’s website to verify all OFA scores
Hips—BVA 3/4 click on the score to verify
Elbows—BVA 0:0 click on the score to verify
Sydney’s Pedigree
Click on for the details. is the website that Golden Retriever breeders have posted pedigrees on for years. On this website, you can follow the dogs lineage back many many generations. However, the website was attacked in late September 2022 by a virus and they are still trying to rebuild it. Most of it is now restored, but below are some details on much of her pedigree beyond what k9Data has on it. The ages and information is what I know as of October 2022.
Sydney’s Parents
Sydney’s Mom: OTCH RACH Summer Brook Nothing But Love UDX OM3 RM2 RAE2 PCDX CGC (Tara; still living with us, active and competing in obedience trials. She is still healthy at almost 7 years)
Sydney’s Dad: Dream Max Lugo CGC. (Luke). I got Luke from Jennie Andersson at Dream Max in Sweden. Jennie is a VERY well respected breeder in Europe and in fact she will not sell her dogs to anyone in the U.S. unless she knows them. Even then, she does not ship them and there are less than a handful of American breeders who she has trusted with one of her dogs (ever). I had a mutual friend to recommend me and then I had to fly to Sweden and spend the weekend with Jennie and her family before being approved to take one of her dog’s home. Over the years, I have been to Sweden three times to meet up with Jennie and get dogs from her.
Luke is now living with friends in Florida. He is 8 years old and still healthy and active.
Sydney’s Grandparents
Sydney’s Mom’s Mom: Summer Brook Always Have Hope (Hope has been gone from us since she was about 5 years. Last we heard from her owners I believe was early this year and she was still healthy. She is 11 years old now)
Sydney’s Mom’s Dad: Tramin Tangerine Dream CDX CGC RE (Jack is 11 years old and living with friends of ours that we keep up with regularly. He is still healthy and active.)
Sydney’s Dad’s Mom: Luke’s mom is Abnall’s Scarlett. Scarlett was bred and born in England. She was raised by Jennie Andderson at Dream Max. Jennie is no longer breeding Goldens to my knowledge and I have lost touch. However, if alive, Scarlett would be well over 15 years I think. I would guess that she has passed by now.
Sydney’s Dad’s Dad: Luke’s Dad was from Spain: Spain CH. SE U(U)CH. DK. CH(U)NOCH NORDCH. (CH.CIE.) First Come Del Valle De Pielagos (12/16/2009 ; Call name: “Eliott” ; Gender: M ; Honorifics: Multi.CH. Eliott lived to be over 13 years. I do not know how he died.
Sydney’s Great Grand Parents That Either Lived With Me or I Knew Personally
Sydney’s Mom’s Mom’s Mom: Skylon Enchanting Grace. Gracie was our very first, our foundation bitch. She is still alive and health at 13 1/2. She lives with the same friends who have our Jack (see above).
Sydney’s Mom’s Mom’s Dad: Etched in Sand v.d. Beerse Hoeve – Reuben was owned by and lived with our good friends at Honor Therapy Dogs. He died of a tic born illness at either 10 or 11 years of age. Reuben was bred in the Netherlands, the son of an English show Ch and a Dutch show Ch.
What I Remember About Sydney’s Great Great Grandparents
Sydney’s Mom’s Mom’s Mom’s Dad: Best in Show Specialty Ch. Giltedge Traveller, J.H. W.C.X. Gulliver was from Australia. I met Gulliver When I picked up his daughter and one of Sydney’s maternal great grand mother Gracie.
Sydney’s Mom’s Mom’s Dad’s Dad: Champion Xanthos Apple Jack – this was a very popular beautiful healthy stud dog in Europe.
DNA Health Test Results for Sydney
PRA1 – Clear by Parentage – See Luke and Tara’s pages for proofs
PRA2 – She is either a clear or a carrier. Her dad, Luke, is clear. Her mom, Tara, is either a clear or a carrier. Since all our boys are clear, we won’t test Sydney (unless at some point we consider using an outside stud that is not clear. Then we’d of course have her tested.) PRA1 and PRA2 are recessive genes. If one parent is clear, no puppies will be affected by it.
Ichthyosis – clear. Sydney was identified as Miss Orange. If you look at the entire document, you’ll see that we were really blessed with this litter. All 4 girls were clear. Their dad was a carrier and their mom was clear. Statistically, we should have had 50/50 clears and carriers!
Sydney’s Titles
Rally Novice
Rally Advanced
Beginner Novice
Rally Excellent
More Pictures of Sydney

All pictures from here below are of Sydney at 16 months of age.

See our other dogs on our Dogs page.