Once a puppy has a pretty good understanding of the fact that the food will never be given until after the marker, we want to further cement that fact in the puppy’s mind. We also want to prove to ourselves that we have indeed taught this concept to the puppy well.
We condition the puppy to listen for the marker instead of watching for the food by using two techniques.
The first is our saying the marker word before we start bringing the food to the puppy. We’ve been discussing this technique since the start of this program. As often as possible, we delay food delivery to make sure it is obvious to the puppy that the food doesn’t come until after the marker.
However, there are times when we use techniques such as the Rapid Reward technique where the time of the food delivery comes so close to the time of the marker that they occur almost simultaneously. There might be other occasional times when quick food reward is more important than building the value of the marker with delayed food reward. During these times, if the food is on the way, the puppy will most likely ignore the marker.
Therefore, we feel that it is advantageous to add another technique to our training repertoire that will further cement in a puppy’s mind that there is no point in thinking about obtaining the food until after he hears the marker word. The more the puppy understands this concept, the less he will think about the food during work time and the more he will be able to focus his attention solely on the work itself that will bring the reward.
This second technique for creating understanding that the puppy must be listening for the marker is our presenting the food before saying the marker word as if we were going to give it to the puppy. Then we don’t actually giving it to him until after we have said the marker word. We don’t use this technique until the puppy has a pretty decent understanding of the concept of the marker. It will confuse the puppy if used too soon. If used at the appropriate time, it will increase the puppy’s understanding that he must focus on the work that will bring the food instead of on the food itself.
This technique is a form of proofing. We’ll apply this technique a little differently when proofing for the the marker in the sit, in the down/stay and when proofing for the marker when at heel.
Proofing the Marker in the Sit
We’ve been practicing a form of proofing in the sit from our very first training session by putting our hands out to the side before marking and rewarding.
Proofing the Marker in the Down/Stay
To proof the marker when the puppy is in the down/stay, take the following steps.
Just before you would normally mark and reward the puppy, lean forward towards the puppy as if you were about to give the puppy his food. Bring your hand down close to the side of his face. Don’t block his view of you. He needs to be able to continue making eye contact. Don’t say the marker word. Most puppies will initially look at the food. Don’t give it to him. Wait for him to look away from the food and at you. Then mark and reward.
After he takes this food, continue bending over. Put your other hand which should have food in it close to the other side of his face. Wait until the puppy looks away from the food and gives eye contact. Alternate the hand that is presenting the food at the side of your puppy’s face. Don’t give the food to your puppy until after you’ve said the marker word. Do this repeatedly.
Occasionally do this “teasing” of your puppy before giving him his food. It will help him to gain a very solid understanding of the fact that there is no need in looking at or even thinking about the food until after he hears the marker word. Most importantly, it will teach your puppy to pay close attention to you so that he can continue doing the work and earn the sound of the marker. Once he understands this concept, his love of the sound of the marker will grow!
Proofing the Marker at Heel
Once your puppy is to the point in training that he is consistently looking up at you, it’s time to proof the marker. Do this by holding the food slightly behind you. If the puppy ignores the food and gives good eye contact, mark and reward. If he looks at the food, wait until he looks away from the food and into your eyes. Then mark and reward. Practice this occasionally if you notice your puppy looking at the food instead of at you.
If you need to use rapid rewards with your puppy in order to keep him from dipping his head just before moving at heel, it might temporarily un-do your puppy’s focus on you and away from the food. That’s okay. However, once your puppy no longer needs rapid rewards, proof the marker at heel again to fix the problem.